A Scepter Waiting For Its King...

You stand against the wind, wrapped in a cloak of love, an awesome power building within to silence the roars of the nations surrounding. With the eyes of a dove and the teeth of a lion, barred in righteous anger, You summon the hosts of heaven into a fierce and mighty army with but one purpose~that of defending Jerusalem. Come, King of Kings, hear the cries of Your people... Your scepter awaits.

In His Love,


Potent and powerful - timely and I join you in saying loudly MARANATHA!!!
midspoint saidā€¦
Thank you, Marijo... I hope there are many more who are expectantly looking up!! :)
Nancy K. Sullivan saidā€¦
Count me in, Mid :) Love this!
midspoint saidā€¦
Sweet Nancy!! Knew you'd be one!! :)
BethL saidā€¦
Watching, waiting, and listening for "the shout!" Your writing gave me chills. Very powerful, indeed!
midspoint saidā€¦
Thank you, Beth... it started out in rhyme, and as I sought the Lord about it, He completely changed it to prose, and it gave ME goosebumps!
Unknown saidā€¦
In one Word. Glorious!
midspoint saidā€¦
Thank you, my friend... God is certainly Glorious...I'm so thankful for those whispers of the Holy Spirit!
Rita Garcia saidā€¦
I'm with you!!! Love this!!!
midspoint saidā€¦
Awesome, Rita...have I told you lately that I love and miss you?!!! <3
Catrina Bradley saidā€¦
Oh, Mid! Word by word my breath was taken from me, until the ending caused me to gasp as I fought tears. Wow.
midspoint saidā€¦
Cat, it made me cry as well, and every time I read it. Truly from the Holy Spirit (I'm just a conduit)
Love You!!
Cindy Barclay saidā€¦
so achingly beautiful! How I long for Him to come and take us home! Maranantha!
midspoint saidā€¦
He can't come too soon for me, Cindy!

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