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BARRIERS: Amazon - WestBow - Barnes & Noble You can order it and my three newest books from your local book stores and Barnes and Noble. 
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Barriers is a suspense romance set in Israelā€¦an intriguing story that will change the way you view the conflict in the MidEast.  You can order it from Barnes and Noble or your local book storeā€¦ you can also order and preview it online on, Barnes and and
Back Cover: Anne Sheridan is on a mission when she makes Aliyah to Israel. After an unexplained icon appears on her computer screen, following the suspicious death of her husband, she wants answers. But Anne has a secret of her own. Through a complicated twist of fate, her arrival in the Holy Land sets in motion a chain of events with fearful consequences of international proportions. Caught in the middle of a struggle between the Israeli Government and a feared Hamas terrorist, her quest takes a dangerous detour. Her only hope for survival is to examine her heart and place her faith in God. Ari Milchan, the intriguing Major of the Israeli Defense Force further complicates her dilemma. Can the two of them overcome ancient religious and cultural barriers for a chance to love again? Will Anneā€™s secret bring redemption or heartache?
Bio: Mid Stutsman is a mother of twelve children and ā€œNanaā€ to ten beautiful grandchildren. She lives with her husband, Fred, on their Centennial family farm in Northern Indiana.
Godā€™s amazing love is the breath of inspiration for her artwork and the passion behind her writing.
Barriers begins with excitement on the first page and takes the reader on an exhilarating journey through present-day conflicts in Israel. With lyrical prose, Mid Stutsman weaves together an unforgettable story of faith and love.  Verna Cole Mitchell-Published Poet
A compelling bookā€“as if ripped from the daily headlines exposing the raw reality of the age-old conflicts of culture and religion and written with poignant relevance. Barriers reveals a tender heart established with unmistakable love and zeal for Truth.  Jan Ross, President/Co-Founder, Heart of God International Ministries
5.0 out of 5 stars OUTSTANDING READ!, February 10, 2010
Carol A. Penhorwood (Evansville, Indiana United States)
This review is from: Barriers (Paperback)
I love suspenseful, historical novels. When you sprinkle in a touch of romance you have me. Stutsman writes a story of Christian faith set in an Israeli background with all the political, religious struggles currently taking place. Her vivid descriptions make one want to visit the Holy Land. Canā€™t wait for the coming sequel! Definitely want to read more from this author.
5.0 out of 5 stars A compelling, action-packed read, November 4, 2010
This review is from: Barriers (Paperback)
Mid Stutsman writes a fine story against the backdrop of modern-day Israel. Historically and politically accurate, the tale takes the reader on a ride full of action and suspense. Even with a romantic theme throughout, it is still a book worthy of male readers. With a strong Christian theme, the author delivers a compelling political summation of the drama that is ā€˜part and parcelā€™ of the Middle East. She also offers the reader an opportunity to see the plight of the Israeli people from their point of view, a view that we here in the West need to hear. We should never abandon these warriors fighting for their very survival as a nation. The author did some thorough research and presents the facts in an enlightened fashion. I highly recommend this book!

Superb Plot!by JHodge

Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars
Barriers by Mid L Stutsman is a page turner full of intrigue and suspense. From becoming involved in a high-jacking by terrorists to escaping her kidnappers, Anne Sheridan is in constant danger on her trip to the Holy Land. Not only is her life in danger, but she also risks losing her heart to Israeli Defense Force Major Ari Mitchan. I could not put this book down. I look forward to a sequel. JHodge

Nothing happens that escapes the Almightyā€™s eyes.

November 8th, 2010 | Author: Amydeanne

Barriers by Mid L. Stutsman

I have to say I think this book moved me beyond words more than any othefiction book this year.

The title for the post was my favorite quote out of the book!  So true, isnā€™t it?  No matter what is going on He sees and He knows.
Barriers is about a woman named Anne Sheridan- a Jewish American goes to Israel to make Aliyah.  While on her plane over it is hijacked and she has to decide what she is going to do to survive the ordeal.  But the hijacking is just the tip of the iceberg.  As she figures it out other things fall into place and change her whole purpose for being in Israel all together.  Who can she trust?  Will it be her new friends in the government, or will it be her faith in God that gets her through things that are far beyond her control?  Throw in a military man name Ari whom doesnā€™t believe in her beliefs and youā€™ll get an inkling of an idea of the incredible story Barriers contains within itā€™s pages.
From the very first few pages I felt shivers run through my body, and continue several times as the controversial issues brought up in Barriers reamed through my mind.  There was no doubt a quest for truth throughout this book. In this modern day suspense/thriller book the hope and controversy of faith shines through.  Mid brought Israel to life for me, and more importantly she brought Jesus to life through out it in ways only someone with the understanding of scripture from a Jewish perspective could.  As the characters walked through some of the scriptures, a better understanding came to me and a feeling of closeness to my Savior.
So to me, this book ā€” it brought me closer to Jesus and a book that can do that ā€“ that can touch my heart that deep is well worth the read.  It made me feel really blessed for the freedom we have in North America over our choice to be Christians.
I found a few stories in this book ā€“ of course the direct one with Anne, but then the story with Ari and his beliefs, Moshe and his family, Rachel, as well as the two brothers who Iā€™d love to read more about.  Oh and add in Benyamin and his family as well.. and well.. I just loved the characters.  I wanted more!  I mean it was such a different world than my own, but the passion behind Midā€™s writing made me crave the lives of these characters and want to be involved!
I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a high action book with a bit of romance.  There are a lot of surprising turns and twists in this book and I think youā€™ll be shocked to perhaps learn a few new things!  By far the best book of 2010!  Mid Stutsman is someone who will be on my ā€œMUST READā€ authors list (and I donā€™t have many on that list lol).  I could totally ooze about how enthralled I am with her style and capability to bring a story to life! She is talented and you need to keep an eye out for her books!

When I asked Mid about the sequel she said ā€œBetrayal will have the same characters only focusing on Jale (pronounced Jayla) with Daoud (as her love interest) and her father, Moshe. Anne and Ari will be the focus of the subplot.ā€
I will be waiting anxiously for Betrayal to be out! I WANT IT!!!

*review copy provided for my honest opinion.

Saturday, May 29, 2010 by Sheryl Young

Authorā€™s Corner: ā€œBarriersā€ by Mid Stutsman

Mid Stutsman is a writer of poetry, stories, an author of books and an artist who does cover art, portraits and still life. She recovered from a path of self-destruction through the love, forgiveness and mercy of the Lord.
ā€œWhen God turned my life around, my desire to create returned, and Iā€™ve been blessed over and above my expectations! Now, I write to glorify the Lord and reveal His Truth to as many as I can.ā€
Although Mid and I are only ā€œInternet friends,ā€ we have so much in common. Weā€™ve both participated in Theatre Arts and love movie versions of Jane Austen books. But most of all, we share the love of our Ultimate Friendā€”Jesus Christā€”and we both have a heart for Israel and the Jewish people.
Weā€™ve each written a book on the topic of relating Christians, Jews and Israel. Mine, a non-fiction (see right hand column, What Every Christian Should Know about the Jewish People) and Midā€™s, Barriers, a suspense fiction.
Barriers is a controversial suspense/love story set in Israel. It follows a woman, Anne, who makes ā€œAliyahā€ (a journey back) to the Promised Land. The sequence of events weaves Arab, Jewish, and Christian characters and concerns into a compelling novel. It will impact your view of Jewish people and Arabs, and change your perspective on the conflict in the Middle East.
All the while, throughout the book, Mid gently conveys the elements of faith in God and His promise to those who believe in Him.
Never before has there been such a great need for Christians to understand Israel, the feelings of the Jewish people, and the spiritual battle in the Middle East. Mid does a great job explaining these issues at one of her websites, The Israel Understanding Israel in the context of these last days/Godā€™s End Times economy. You will find:
  • News and truths about Israel
  • Exploring Islam
  • Unveiling Israel/MidEast Prophecies
Mid has 12 children (two more in Heaven) and 10 grandchildren! She lives with her husband, Fred, in Indiana. Her full astonishing story, plus a myriad of her poetry, ponderings and posts can be found at, where she often puts out little gems of thought like this:
ā€œWhen it comes to Love, there is only One who is an expertā€¦the rest of us are just learning.ā€

Friday, February 05, 2010

ā€œBarriersā€ by Mid Stutsman by Delta Vines

(Note: This is a review of a book written by a Christian, supportive of Israel. As a Christian myself, I contacted Mrs. Stutsman and asked (and received) her permission to write a review for it on this blog. Mrs. Stutsman sent me the photo of her book cover, which Iā€™m also using with her permission).
Being acquainted with some previous writings of Mid Stutsman, I eagerly contacted Mid when I heard rumor she had written a book. Indeed she had! Mid kindly sent me a copy of the galleys to read after the book had gone to publication.
From the beginning of the first page I was instantly drawn into this storyline which is part intrigue, part romance, part action thriller, and part spiritual. What a unique combination for a book!
The author uses several Hebrew and yiddish phrases throughout the book. At most times they added to the ā€œpullā€ of making one feel as though they were there, in the storyline. However, at other times, the repeated use of ā€œnuā€ did seem a little overdone. Yet, the storyline remains unaffected by such.
Not to give away too much about the book, the plot lines go something like this: Woman (ā€œAnne Sheridanā€) flies to Israel to make aliyah, or immigrate. Even before her plane touches down you are drawn into her world which becomes complicated by IDF, Mossad agents, Double agents, Hamas terrorists, and friendship from a motherly older woman. That is just the beginning! Shocking surprises regarding her deceased husband, a complicated family tree and her faith as a Believer in Jesus add to the plot as this storyline unfolds throughout the book.
While the main character in the book, Anne Sheridan, is a Christian ā€“ the book does not hit one over the head with obsessiveness to try to prostelytize Jews in general. Straightforward, honest, but not at all deceptive is one of itā€™s most endearing traits.
Also helpful to the storyline is the authors obvious knowledge of the Land of Israel personally. If you havenā€™t been there, you will feel as if you have after reading the book. If you have been there, you will recognize the places described which will increase your interest in how the plot develops.
With compassion toward all people, yet scriptural defense of the land as belonging to the Jews, Mid Stutsman shows political and Biblical knowledge which is impressive.
I highly recommend the book ā€œBarriersā€ by Mid L. Stutsman, published by WestBow Press.

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