Hurry, Spring...

Today the sun leaned in closer as if to quiet my longing for Spring. At his beckoning, the south wind blew softly upon the snow, while a bird sang from a branch high overhead and echoed the sighs of my heart. 

In His Love,


Laury said…
The sun was shining today in Central Illinois and it was 58 degrees! Awesome! I'm starting to believe spring really will come now:)
midspoint said…
Ahhhh, Spring! Not sure what our high was, but it's still 44 at 9 pm !!! Last week it was -6 :) So, I think it may be on its way!!
Anonymous said…
Greetings from Southern California.

I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

God Bless You, ~Ron
dandelionfleur said…
Maybe that's why I feel melancholy today! Spring is coming!!!
midspoint said…
Awww, (((Lisa))) No matter what season, God is so awesome! But I know the lengthening days and sunshiny days gives me hope that the harshness of winter is past. I'm so looking forward to Spring flowers and greenery! :)

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