
Crystal clear prisms held within Spring's womb~waiting to release their nourishment~each one a reflection of God's promise to continue His outpouring of love and blessings on His creation. 

In His Love,


cowiche said…
Soo beautiful Mid!
God is really using you to bring me along. Thanks be to God who causes us to see!

midspoint said…
Thank you, glad to know... He enables as we are submitted!!
Unknown said…
Love your pics. But love your thoughts on them even better!
You DO have eyes to see.
You have the eyes of an artist, finding beauty in the seemingly ordinary and bringing to the surface, with your camera, what most eyes can't see.

Well, you have the best teacher ever! The Lord's art is much more valuable than the best Picasso. And way more beautiful!!! :)
midspoint said…
Thank you, Cari...To GOD be all the Praise and Glory!!

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