Our Solid Rock....

Windy sprays of angry lake waters dash against barrier rocks, but they stand firm~unmovable. Could we but understand the analogies within God's Word about Jesus being a rock~a strong, immovable barrier between us and satan~we would lift our heads, don our spiritual armor, and stand firm in our warfare against the onslaught of hell's hosts! We are kings and priests of the Most High God~it's time we took our rightful place at the side of the Prince of Heaven, the Lord of Lord and King of Kings...It's Time!

In His Love,


Catrina Bradley said…
AMEN and AMEN. Standing on the Rock with you.
midspoint said…
thanks, Cat!!! God is faithful...so faithful! America's economy is going down the drain...but we don't depend on Fred's work, we depend on the Lord...and He never lets His own down!!
Laury said…
It is time we take our rightful place, you're so right, Mid. Praying with you and for you. Love you forever and always!
midspoint said…
Laury, I thank God for friends like you!! Thank you so much for your love and encouragement...you are a precious gift and I love ya back!!!
Rhonda Schrock said…
I'm grateful for this reminder and this word picture...the rock beneath my feet. That's where I'm placing mine today!
midspoint said…
Amen, Rhonda!! No other place is as sure!! :)

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