Earth and Eternity

Earth, a graceful sphere whirling in ordered precision,
keeping measured time beneath swirls of white sentinels.
Blues and greens, patterns and shapes, merging into a blur
of beauty seen from afar. But the quiet of the heavens
cannot long hide the chaos masquerading as peace.
A closer look reveals the heartbeat of our planet is irregular,
a sign of catastrophe and devastation, both ignored and denied.
What then will be the end? Will Earth survive? Will we?
We are inseparable. One spoken into existence--
the other created from its heart. Both loved.
Both destined to be rescued, redeemed and restored...
in God's time.
©Mid Stutsman 2012

In His Love,


Cindy said…
"Both destined to be rescued"! Hallelujah! We need our King!
midspoint said…
Oh, Cindy!! Yes, we do... Maranatha!!

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