Time just seems to drip away, doesn't it? It's nearly the middle of February already, and the world seems to be falling apart, although most people appear apathetic and complacent about what's happening around them. Satan has been hard at work skewing the Truth and keeping minds fixated on politics, and not on what's important. Christians fuss and fight over non-salvation issues, and ignore the weighty matters of Jesus' imminent return and knowing the Word of God so they can bring unbelievers to a saving knowledge of the Lord. Preaching from the pulpit has replaced solid scriptural teaching, and it's more and more evident as those who call themselves Christians blend into the world and accept its system of humanistic values, rather than adhere to the set of standards God has called us to uphold.
If you haven't examined what it is that you believe in light of what the Bible teaches, and where it is that you are headed in the light of eternity, than maybe it's time to sincerely seek the Lord and come back to the simple Truth found in His Word.
In His Love,